Sunday, September 30, 2012

Vera Nazarian Needs your help

Financially strapped, Vera Nazarian is asking you donate to her kickstarter, Cobweb Bride, that she may continue to write.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

free ebooks and education

Oz books free online and downloadable with original illustrations (still a favorite)

Mediabistro's site pointing to free ebooks (a bit annoying as it reloads itself occasionally yet unnecessarily, using bandwidth) offers free courses from literature to science to history to mythology.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Free ebooks & music

Just discovered Bibliotastic, a site with free ebooks (with suggested donations).  It includes authors Charles Stross, Brett Savory, Tom Lichtenberg, among others.

Paul Westerberg of The Replacements has a new song for free, "My Road Now."