Thursday, May 9, 2013

"The Book of Phoenix Excerpted from The Great Book" by Nnedi Okorafor

First appeared in Clarkesworld

Like "African Sunrise," this is "excerpted from The Great Book," which--if/when it becomes real--may be a pretty nifty book, indeed.

Phoenix is a created being, kept or trapped on Tower 7.  Her body overheats and she gets shot at, but her body heals itself.  She has a friend, Mmuo, who can walk through walls and cannot be held in the building, but he sticks around, anyway.  Mmuo has a trick of direct communication as well.

Why she's created and what she is, you may surmise; it's a cool premise, nonetheless.  Some description isn't stellar (the conceit here is that this is orally told, explaining the description), but it's a fun read.

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