Thursday, March 7, 2019

WWI era photos

Here are non-colorized, color photographs from the WWI era (1900s-1920s)--the same era of the Peter Jackson-restored-footage movie, They Shall Not Grow Old, mentioned below. There's something more human about the photos than you might otherwise expect from a movie:

    Flower Street Vendor, Paris, 1914
  1. a button forgotten to be buttoned, 
  2. clean but not pressed clothes, 
  3. clean and pressed clothes, 
  4. clothes once pressed but now starting to wrinkle where they've been bunches up, 
  5. pants ragged from wear, 
  6. pants over-patched. 

I was expecting a lot of grime but there is very little except for one worker toward the bottom of the set. For instance, this street vendor would be lower class, so she'd be portrayed as dingy, probably to earn our sympathies, but these people appear to take better care of their appearance than we might.

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