Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Free ebooks, understanding and preparing for COVID-19, Foundation trailer

Kristine Ong Muslim (a talented poet) writes:
If you haven't done so yet, you can download for FREE and in three digital formats Lightspeed Magazine's People of Colo(u)r Destroy Science Fiction, as well as two other volumes in the groundbreaking book series. Nalo Hopkinson and I selected the short stories for the original fiction section of POC Destroy SF, which went on to win the British Fantasy Award for Best Anthology in 2017. The books can be downloaded here [at destroysf.com]

Be careful of graphics like this. Do you see the problem?

We have percents but no sense about what kinds of numbers they refer to. Cut 1000 by 50% and get 500. Add 50% to 10 and get 15. Which number is greater? 500 or 15? [In my classroom if a student left a number like 500 unlabeled, I'd ask, "500 what? Ostriches? Hippopotami? Orangutans? But here I'm leaving open possibilities and assuming that 500 and 15 represent similar comparable figures.]

Look at the number and the trends. Kansas is going up, but 50 new cases per million is actually better than most states. Hawaii is up, but they've been super low (less than one case per day on average). They shot up, sixty times where they were. Yes, 60. But that's stll low in comparison (7 or 8 cases per million per day, which is far better than nearly everyone in green). 50 seems to be a dividing line between states that have work to do although, of course, we'd like the numbers to be zero, but is that realistic? Discussion about this later.


Face-shields preferred over face-masks 


I loved the first three books of Isaac Asimov's Foundation trilogy although I was just a kid when I'd read them. They had grand imaginative scope. I'm not sure how they'd transfer to screen, but as a series, this sounds like it might be promising.

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