Saturday, November 9, 2013

Two, a glimpse

TWO: The 2nd Annual Stupefying Stories Horror Special (STUPEFYING STORIES PRESENTS) 

I checked out the first couple of stories in the recently released horror anthology, Two.  Evan Dicken treats readers to the background character in most stories:  What if all of those weird, old store owners you bump into--the ones desined to give local color--just before you meet the crazed villains, what if they're all the same person?  Sure, they might introduce to nightmares you'll never forget, but if they like you, they might just help you out.  Might.

Jose Iriarte visits the creepy "priest" guy who works in the infirmary.  He so puts Cristina on edge that she goes out of her way to keep the sick girls from visiting him.  The tale is bi-lingual and may frustrate non-Spanish speakers when the context of what was said is not provided although intermediate Spanish speakers should enjoy the piece.

Interesting concept stories.

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