Writing Talk:Conversations with top writers of the last fifty years
by Alex Hamilton
Troubador Publishing Ltd
Nonfiction (Adult)
Arts & Photography

Hamilton interviews genre and literary authors alike. His interviews do not mirror the writerly interest of most interviews, but usually focuses on the business end of writing and larger scale issues of each genre.
Hamilton is there on scene when the New Wave writers, like Brian Aldiss and J. G. Ballard, were making their mark. Hamilton opens the readers' eyes to where those writers felt like when it was, visiting 1968 and 1979.
For dedicated readers of SF, looking to bone up on the genre's shape, should find this book a boon. He also interviews literary, crime, romance writers, as well as cartoonists and poets.
Writers interviewed include:
- Harry Harrison,
- Brian Aldiss,
- Michael Moorcock,
- Kurt Vonnegut,
- Martin Bax,
- Russell Hoban,
- Joseph Heller,
- Angela Carter,
- John Wyndham,
- Dennis Wheatley,
- Stephen Donaldson,
- Lionel Fanthorpe,
- Stephen King,
- Daphne du Maurier,
- Ian McEwan,
- Jorge Luis Borges,
- Graham Greene,
- Pablo Neruda,
- Joyce Carol Oates,
- Margaret Atwood,
- Norman Mailer,
- Jacqueline Susann,
- John Updike,
- Mickey Spillane,
- Ed McBain,
- George V. Higgins,
- Derek Marlowe,
- Patricia Highsmith,
- John D. MacDonald,
- Chester Himes,
- Eric Ambler,
- Edmund Crispin,
- Harold Robbins,
- Brian Freemante,
- Michael Innes,
- Colin Watson,
- H. R. F. Keating,
- Julian Symons,
- M. M. Kaye,
- Lucilla Andrews,
- Fiona Richmond,
- R. K. Narayan,
- Muriel Spark,
- Erskine Caldwell,
- George Mackay Brown,
- Regine Deforges,
- Bernard Malamud,
- Isaac Bashevis Singer,
- H. E. Bates,
- Jorge Luis Borges,
- Christopher Evans,
- Herbert Harris,
- David Jones,
- Tambimuttu,
- Basil Bunting,
- Tom Pickard,
- Jeff Nuttall,
- Stuart Montgomery,
- Gavin Ewart,
- Larissa Vassilyeva,
- D. J. Enright,
- Alas Ross,
- Norman Thelwell,
- Herge,
- Charles Addams,
- Beryl Cook,
- Denis Gifford,
- Gunter Grass,
- Beryl Bainbridge,
- Ruth Prawer Jhabvala,
- Chinua Achebe,
- Arthur Koestler,
- Gore Vidal,
- Anthony Burges,
- E. L. Doctorow,
- Romain Gary,
- James Michener,
- Edward Upward,
- J. P. Donleavy,
- Rebecca West, among others
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