These, for my money, are the top 10%
(approximately) of the poems included in the Rhysling Anthology. They are alphabetized.
There are other poems not listed here with good
passages, lines, clever concepts and executions. I was quick to whittle because of all the
poems—a novel’s worth, or about four books of poetry worth. I almost missed a
few good ones when I reread, so it’s possible I missed others. I was torn about several and the
arbitrariness of cutting my selection at 16.
Behind each poem I list what made the poem stand out. I
only read the poems and the names showed up after I read them. I looked at
where they were published at the end, and only Star*Line
showed up twice in my list (its editor once). Eye to the Telescope also showed up twice, but it
rotates editors. By chance—being no factor in my selection—the women were
favored but maybe women out numbered the men in the anthology as well.
I still haven’t decided on my favorites among
these yet. Good luck.
Where possible, I included links.
- Bergmann, F. J. • “3-Minute Future”
• Unlikely Stories Volume V [Well done repetition and moving if a
bit long—strong contender]
- Blythe, Andrea, &
Laura Madeline Wiseman • “Pouring the Pennyroyal” • Priestess & Hierophant 5: Darkness and Light [Lovely
- Boston, Bruce •
“Lost Memories”
• The Literary Hatchet 19 [Potent frame]
- Buchanan, Rebecca • “If you would seek
a Seeress” • Star*Line 41.1 [I like this one, the authorial recipe yet almost demanding and
spooky voice—good selling points]
- Clink, David •
“Planktivorous Fish and the Structure of Pelagic Plankton” • Juniper 2:2
[well done but for the clunky title,
shoehorned in but kind of clever]
- Cook, William •
“Commemoration of the Divine Passion” • Eye to the Telescope 30
foreboding close that doesn’t go where you think it will from the title; language
and syntax of high dark fantasy slips into a few minor infelicities]
- El-Mohtar,Amal
• “Thunderstorm in Glasgow, July 25 2013” • Fireside Fiction broadside
[Lovely language]
- Gardner, Adele • “In the
Vaults” • Pedestal Magazine 82 [Lovely and metered—I wouldn’t be
surprised if it won, but I was hoping for it to be a wee bit more moving]
- Gotera, Vince • “Son of Aswang” • The Philippines Graphic, October [Well done repetition, sets up a
resounding rhythm]
- Huerta,
August • “Concerning President Carter and the UFO Sighting” •
Strange Horizons
3/19/18 [Lovely opening and close]
- Jones, Russell • “That’s one small step for (a) man...” • Dark Matters (Tapsalteerie Press) [Awfully damned clever]
- Kopaska-Merkel, David C., &
Ann K. Schwader • “Misstep” • Star*Line 41.4 [Feels like a compressed
novel, suggestive—cool. I’ll be looking at this one to study]
- Shultz, David F. •
“five sigils”
• Eye to the Telescope 27
was rather taken by the form, which despite being prose poem is incantatory,
magical, suggestive of a buried narrative—I’m less sure about the haiku
but I like the hybrid blending]
- Simon, Marge • “The Southern Lady” • War (Crystal Lake
Publishing) [Good
lines, at times moving]
- Spires, D. A. Xiaolin • “atomic
numbers” • Analog Science Fiction and Fact, January/ February [Not many poets here attempted a
natural voice—admirable for this and the moving personal story behind the
- Trotta, Ali •
“Lorelei” • Uncanny 22 [Lovely with dark wisdom—despite being a bit long, final lines are
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